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  1. WVduckchick

    Help! Duckling bleeding!

    I’m so sorry you had to make that decision. Assisting always has risks. I do a lot of assisting (Call ducklings), but I’m extremely careful to not rush others to assist. Especially when they aren’t comfortable doing so. I hope you didn’t feel pressured. If you did, I’m whole heartedly sorry. In...
  2. WVduckchick

    Help! Duckling bleeding!

    I’m so sorry. I was hoping since she had the strength to push out of the shell on her own, that she might be ok. I have, on occasions, euthanized baby birds. These decisions are excruciating to make. In this case, I feel like Mother Nature will make the decision before you will have to make...
  3. WVduckchick

    Help! Duckling bleeding!

    x2. (I think @WOLF FLOW has not caught up on the thread. ) :hmm
  4. WVduckchick

    Help! Duckling bleeding!

    I'm so sorry. That looks pretty bad, honestly. As @casportpony said, it wasn't your fault, nor the fault of assisting. I think the malposition caused her to break the shell too soon. And maybe the zipping action was her actually trying to get into proper position, and more of an accidental...
  5. WVduckchick

    Help! Duckling bleeding!

    My old eyes aren’t helping. That looks to me like the leftover gunk after hatch. I don’t see anything between the legs like I’d expect, but your judgment is best. As long as she’s alert, I believe she’ll hang in there. :fl
  6. WVduckchick

    Help! Duckling bleeding!

    Darn, I’m still on mobile, and can’t tell from the pic. A paper towel would probably stick to the yolk now, and a wet one isn’t good, because it will chill her. maybe if you could wedge a paper towel around her, help her sit more upright. It seems to help encourage absorption (or maybe that in...
  7. WVduckchick

    Help! Duckling bleeding!

    Ok. You don’t want any other messing with that yolk sack either. So if any of the others pip, you may consider putting some type of barrier over/around this one. I used a small plastic bowl from the dollar store with holes all in it. Just turned it upside down over top of one I was concerned about.
  8. WVduckchick

    Help! Duckling bleeding!

    Best you can do now is try to keep her immobilized, so she doesn’t rip it open. Hopefully it will absorb within the next few hours. Do you still have other Viable eggs in there?
  9. WVduckchick

    Help! Duckling bleeding!

    Kinda like this.
  10. WVduckchick

    Help! Duckling bleeding!

    Oh darn. If it’s really huge, see if you can stuff her butt back in the shell. Put a dry paper towel in a small bowl, and put her in it, kinda sitting up. Prop her up with the towel, head up, butt down in the bottom. And put back in the bator.
  11. WVduckchick

    Help! Duckling bleeding!

    Try lifting her head a little, she might push it on out. If she does, try to keep her butt in the egg for now, first and foremost. But try lifting the head, and look down her belly. You should be able to see down close to her “crotch” area. Look for a yellow protrusion. Hopefully she’s absorbed...
  12. WVduckchick

    Help! Duckling bleeding!

    Definitely malpositioned. I can’t tell if the butt is in the big end or pointy end. But if you can shine your light around and find her belly, you might be able to see if there is any unabsorbed yolk. Also, try to follow those veins and see where they are attached. I think they might just be...
  13. WVduckchick

    Help! Duckling bleeding!

    I think it will be ok while you go to work, but one thing I would do first is elevate one end of the egg, whichever end makes the head of the duckling upright. Just in case it starts struggling to get out, I think this would be helpful while you can’t be there watching. Edit - just a slight bit...
  14. WVduckchick

    Help! Duckling bleeding!

    I think it missed the air cell. Just give it some time now.
  15. WVduckchick

    Help! Duckling bleeding!

    since there is already so much shell missing, if it were mine, I’d remove the shell over the air cell. Just the shell and outer membrane that is attached to the shell. Leave the inner shell. Then I’d coat that inner membrane with vaseline to see whether it’s ready or not.
  16. WVduckchick

    Help! Duckling bleeding!

    Is the fat end (air cell end) of the egg above the head, or to the bottom right corner in the pic??
  17. WVduckchick

    Help! Duckling bleeding!

    Looks malpositioned to me.
  18. WVduckchick

    Help! Duckling bleeding!

    I don’t suppose you have any pics from when it was “zipping”? Ducklings tend to make multiple pips before they actually start zipping. Usually it’s 24-48 hours from initial pip, to zip. If it was truly a crooked zip, that usually indicates a leg in an awkward position, causing them to not be...
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