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  1. 15gardenchooks

    Favorite litter material for brooders? Chicks sneezing with pine shavings...

    Thanks, @GC-Raptor yes it is definitely clean and dry. I usually use paper towels as well but we are on short supply due to the pandemic craze over paper products... @rc4u I will take a look for that next time I run to the feed store!
  2. 15gardenchooks

    Favorite litter material for brooders? Chicks sneezing with pine shavings...

    I recently bought 9 chicks of mixed ages 1-3 weeks old. At first I was using just old towels on the bottom of their brooder because I always get nervous about them eating pine shavings. However I started adding a layer of pine shavings on top of the towel yesterday because they are making such a...
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