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  1. WhiteWaterLady

    Scottsdale AZ Rude Neighbor trying to Sue

    You're welcome and GOOD LUCK!!! Please keep us posted.
  2. WhiteWaterLady

    Scottsdale AZ Rude Neighbor trying to Sue

    Call your local city or district court and ask what needs to be done to get a restraining order. I've had to get them twice before and in my area, there were forms online I could fill out. Putting a RO in place BEFORE he files a law suit is your best protection, especially if his son is a...
  3. WhiteWaterLady

    Scottsdale AZ Rude Neighbor trying to Sue

    Maybe build a potato canon to control the pigeons? Just kidding, sort of. If the real problem is the pigeons, does the city/county/DNR have a program for trapping and relocating them? Sadly, people can sue you with no basis. Been on the receiving end of that one. Whether can win anything by...
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