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  1. CrazyCrttr75

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess When We'll Hit 22 Million Posts And You Can Win!

    Wow! Everyone's fingers were on fire going a million miles a minute lol.
  2. CrazyCrttr75

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess When We'll Hit 22 Million Posts And You Can Win!

    Probably :lol: I think I just had “blue” in my head is all. They are slim and small and bright blue all over. They are very pretty.
  3. CrazyCrttr75

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess When We'll Hit 22 Million Posts And You Can Win!

    Oh dear.. I will pass on that contest! Y'all can have at it lol!
  4. CrazyCrttr75

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess When We'll Hit 22 Million Posts And You Can Win!

    WTG all of the others that won as well!!! (They'll work out the official stuff) :ya:ya:ya So happy for all of you! :celebrate
  5. CrazyCrttr75

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess When We'll Hit 22 Million Posts And You Can Win!

    With my post, that made it 13. So that is what I said. And I posted in Kiki Speak, so that was another. AND THEN SOMEONE KEEPS TALKING TO ME IN A DIF THREAD SO i POSTED THERE AS WELL. Dangit! Im too lazy to go back and adjust caps that locked lol
  6. CrazyCrttr75

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess When We'll Hit 22 Million Posts And You Can Win!

    Hey Kdogg? You still have Ike with you or did he go home already?
  7. CrazyCrttr75

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess When We'll Hit 22 Million Posts And You Can Win!

    I can't believe I am almost to 100 posts. I don't feel like I was that active. It's all adding up I guess.
  8. CrazyCrttr75

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess When We'll Hit 22 Million Posts And You Can Win!

    I am getting so excited! I still haven't eaten so I am heating me up something light. I can't handle anything heavy with this headache I am fighting.
  9. CrazyCrttr75

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess When We'll Hit 22 Million Posts And You Can Win!

    We have a TON of Buntings around here. I never knew what they were until I got on google and tried to figure it out. I see these small bright all over blue birds all the time. They are pretty. I'd like to get a book to try and see what all of the different kinds are. I know we have the normal...
  10. CrazyCrttr75

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess When We'll Hit 22 Million Posts And You Can Win!

    The squirrels around here are getting in to my bird feeders. We just bought one that is supposed to be "squirrel proof". The little bar that the lightweight birds perch on to access the feed goes down under the squirrels weight and causes a little window to close down over the opening. I don't...
  11. CrazyCrttr75

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess When We'll Hit 22 Million Posts And You Can Win!

    I almost bought a meat grinder that goes on my Kitchen Aid mixer the last time I was at Walmart. But I didn't. I picked up the box and looked at it... but I ended up putting it back up on the shelf. Maybe another day.
  12. CrazyCrttr75

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess When We'll Hit 22 Million Posts And You Can Win!

    People here tell you what to do all the time and you don't listen :old Remember the whole omelet discussion? With videos even! :gig
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