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  1. CoopChick719


    Hi All, Hope you & the ones you love are safe & well!! figured if I’m staying home, I might as well hatch some eggs. Does anyone know anything about the Nurture Right 360 incubator? My temperature light is still blinking after 24 hours. I brought it up to temp before I set the eggs and it was...
  2. CoopChick719


    This is my EE, Pip, with some of her 8 chicks.
  3. CoopChick719


    Wow according to BYC the last time I was on was almost a year ago!! Think I’ll slowly work my way backwards. A Lot has happened in the last year! My son got married and we love her! My daughter graduated from college, has a FT job & her own apartment. I got laid off but found a new job w/the...
  4. CoopChick719


    Hope you have a speedy recovery @combatfuzzball! Welcome birds and the bees!! Wonderful people on this thread! I’ve learned so much!! so far so good with everyone back in the coop. The 6 chicks are growing like weeds. I think I may have at least 2 Roos in the bunch. They were chest bumping...
  5. CoopChick719


    Keep that bucket of water out & lure them in!!
  6. CoopChick719


    Wanna borrow my weasel? Just kidding sorry!!
  7. CoopChick719


    @CoopChick719 , can you stuff hardware cloth into any openings before you put the birds back, or are there too many areas to squeeze into? We never saw our male mink after the one time he came back looking for the female that we killed. The coop is much more sealed up now, but the hens are out...
  8. CoopChick719


    Sorry about your girls Hiltonizer I’ve had no luck catching the weasel or even seeing tracks. The girls are still in the garage. DH would like them to go back to the coop. I feel like the minute I put them back, It will return!! Do I dare hope it’s moved on now that the free buffet is closed?!
  9. CoopChick719


    Set a rat trap now before they multiply!!!
  10. CoopChick719


    My sister had a chicken hawk trying to find a way into her run last week. Still no sign of that murdering weasel! Last night we screwed rat traps to the wall of the coop baited w/meat. I figured it can’t hurt! My game cam won’t work w/fresh batteries. IDK what’s wrong with that so I don’t know...
  11. CoopChick719


    Thanks everyone! LG, I am using my Roos head. Gruesome I know but I told him his death will not be in vain! I'm getting another trap that I will use one of the dead in. So far nothing though. I'm buying batteries today for my game cam and setting it up tonight. I'm going stand the smaller trap...
  12. CoopChick719


    Orson a nice looking boy!! Good more rats!! Yup, traded my rat problem for a weasel problem. It got in through a hole (now fixed) the rats had made near the popdoor. I thought it was odd that I hadn't seen any rats lately. Saturday morning I opened the coop to find 9 of my girls & my...
  13. CoopChick719


    Welcome mflan! This is a great group!! Always helpful and Always funny!!!
  14. CoopChick719


    Thanks for the WB info!! I've pruned it out along with some other rusty looking shoots. Will just have to monitor. Dang, they were really starting to produce this year!! On broodies, I just kept stealing her eggs & taking her out of the box. What finally did it was to spend $100 on a small coop...
  15. CoopChick719


    I wasn't going to hatch any this year but after leaving the girls w/o a sitter for the weekend, Matilda had a nice little clutch under her. Unbeknownst to me, others were laying in her box too & she just "backhoed" them under her w/the ones I had marked. So they're were in different stages of...
  16. CoopChick719


    So that's what is in my blueberry bush!! I have think I can prune it out. What causes it? She looks great! I had eggs left after my BA, Matilda, finished sitting so I candled them and put the ones I thought were viable under my Sizzle, Blue. Blue got confused & returned to the wrong box. So we...
  17. CoopChick719


    The little one laying down in the first pic & the yellow one behind mama were the last 2 to hatch.
  18. CoopChick719


    Thanks LG! Unfortunately I lost 1. Its belly hadn't closed up and I found it under the hen. I also found another chick partially hatched. ☹️ I've got 2 pipping. Hopefully we'll have 2 more tomorrow. Welcome Angry Hen. Lots of great people on this thread!! They've been very helpful to me over...
  19. CoopChick719


    This trap is actually designed for rats, mice & ground squirrels. If I could get a bait that would lure them up the trap, it just might work. The lure that came with it doesn't seem to be working. Hey bucka, Sorry about your hens! ☹️Not sure I want to trade a rat problem for mink problems...
  20. CoopChick719


    I feel your pain!! I wish my electric trap worked. I never got a single rat with it! We also bought a new trap that shoots a steel rod out when the rat sticks its head up into the trap. Nothing with that one either. I've followed all the directions for each. Removed all food so the bait was the...
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