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  1. lazy gardener


    Call your local TSC, they should be able to give you some info.
  2. lazy gardener


    Hello, from Central Maine. I'm looking for hatching eggs to buy: Indian Runner, Magpie, or Khaki Campbell.
  3. lazy gardener


    Broody #2 (BA) is sticking to the nest like a champ. B/c I have her in a small enclosure, I've been taking her off the nest every 2 - 3 days to stretch her legs and go poop. Candled eggs last night. She started with 14 eggs 6/25 PM. I gave her an extra 6/26 AM. She ate one on 6/27. Last...
  4. lazy gardener


    Congrats. Are these by any chance "self blue"? Which, if I understand correctly breed true for blue instead of the typical blue/black/splash?
  5. lazy gardener


    He has threatened you and your family, and your livestock. Have you filed a police report? If not, that would be the first, and very prudent step. Sounds like he's not taking his medications properly.
  6. lazy gardener


    My carrots are a bust also. Poor germination, then the bed got over run with weeds. I may replant in the garlic bed after I harvest the garlic. That bed is covered with composting hay, so weeds are a minimum issue.
  7. lazy gardener


    Keep that gun handy, loaded, and ready to fire. I really need to get the .22 ready to shoot. Shot gun is fine for some stuff, but if a pred were actually able to breach the run or coop, SG would not be the best choice! BA is setting on her eggs like a champ. Still waiting for her to come...
  8. lazy gardener


    Set eggs under a broody BA tonight. My Colombian Wyandotte is doing great with her clutch of 10 chicks. She's an excellent Mama. Hoping to get some more Buck Eyes in this next set. Odds would be greater in my favor if I did not set blue eggs. But those blue eggs are so pretty, and those...
  9. lazy gardener


    I had a broody Dominique several years ago. The birds who have been broody this year include my 2 Colombian Wyandottes. (I broke the first one, but let the second one set. The first one continued to try to go broody. I sold her.) I now have a Plymouth Barred Rock who is persistent, but I'm...
  10. lazy gardener


    I got peeps! Today, CW did not come off the nest for her afternoon walk-a-bout. This evening, when I was tucking everyone in for the night, I heard peeps! I found a peep sized hole in the broody area, so scrounged around to get that filled. The left over piece of Closet Maid shelving covered...
  11. lazy gardener


    Opal, the first broody is a Colombian Wyandotte. She's doing well. Yesterday, when I let her out for her afternoon walk about, she thought she might want to chase me! I convinced her that was not in her best interest. But, I have a feeling that she won't let anyone mess with her babies...
  12. lazy gardener


    4 more days till hatch for my broody hen. I decided to break the second hen. She's currently pacing in the tractor, and rather peeved that I'm keeping her away from her nest full of golf balls.
  13. lazy gardener


    I do keep water in the coop during the winter, and usually in the summer as well. My thinking is this: If the birds inadvertently get shut in the coop, I want them to have access to water. The little bit of evaporation from the surface of their waterer is IMO a non issue. Far more moisture...
  14. lazy gardener


    Hoopy, I think that even with your winds coming from the South (I find that weird. Almost all of my weather comes screaming from the West!) that the Woods coop WOULD work for you. B/C it is open in the front, but closed at the back, the air movement is stifled before it gets to the back where...
  15. lazy gardener


    I think I have an other broody. Am contemplating allowing her to set. If any one is interested in started S.R. or sex linked chicks, please PM.
  16. lazy gardener


    IMO, insulation provides minimal benefit compared to the expense... unless you are building a metal building. Better to put your money into providing lots of natural lighting which is positioned to take advantage of morning sunlight. If you are interested, you can view my coop which is in my...
  17. lazy gardener


    Your best bet is to do a google search for it. You will find lots of photos as well as explanations regarding the science behind it.
  18. lazy gardener


    I would have built a Woods open air coop.
  19. lazy gardener


    Hey, Opal. If you want an inexpensive, easy to build coop, you can't get any better than a Cattle Panel coop. A google search will turn up plenty of different designs. @Blooie built hers by using rebar to anchor the panels to the ground. She also used plastic lattice panels to sandwich the...
  20. lazy gardener


    Wow. I'm thankful it didn't get this cold here as I'd uncovered all the peppers. The tomatoes and peppers already have bloom on them, and the beans are starting to climb. It would have been devastating to my garden if I'd been hit. My boss who lives in my town says it was 37 at her house...
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