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  1. FeatherLace

    Guineas or Geese? Which are better flock protectors?

    Yes I'm aware... when I said ill put "a turkey to scare off predators" that didn't mean ill get only one turkey, just one bigger male
  2. FeatherLace

    Guineas or Geese? Which are better flock protectors?

    All of the chickens from my first batch were gotten by predators, (I was very inexperienced), so I'm just trying to take all of the precautions possible! Especially since I'm leaving for basic training in 2 months, so they'll be left for my mom to care for. She doesn't have a problem with it...
  3. FeatherLace

    Guineas or Geese? Which are better flock protectors?

    My current pen is covered on all sides, including top and ground with chicken wire. So far has prevented dig in. The guineas are mainly to to control snakes and the geese to control the aerial predators
  4. FeatherLace

    Guineas or Geese? Which are better flock protectors?

    I ended up getting guineas and a Khaki Cambell today. Gonna get a breeding pair of geese and another Khaki soon
  5. FeatherLace

    Guineas or Geese? Which are better flock protectors?

    Well then what can I use to protect my flock? I have two roosters currently out of my 12, but one is a (rather proud) bantam, and the other is a pretty submissive Lakenvelder. Would they do enough of the protecting?
  6. FeatherLace

    Guineas or Geese? Which are better flock protectors?

    My Uncle had a male guinea that nearly killed a dog that broke into their roost one night
  7. FeatherLace

    Guineas or Geese? Which are better flock protectors?

    I have a flock of chickens that have dangers all around them, (snakes, hawks, owls, raccoons, neighbors dogs, my dogs, coyotes, foxes, panthers, you name it!), so I was considering getting a flock guardian. No dogs, they're too big. I've narrowed it down to two different options. A flock of...
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