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  1. Wyorp Rock

    Chickens dying suddenly without cause

    Glad to hear everyone is doing well! Thank you for the update:)
  2. Wyorp Rock

    Chickens dying suddenly without cause

    @Rachael<3Chickies How are they doing?
  3. Wyorp Rock

    Chickens dying suddenly without cause

    Thanks! Please do try to remain optimistic. Keep us posted on how they are doing. If you can't get a fecal float and still think treating for worms and/or Coccidiosis would be beneficial, let us know. You can get medications at most feed stores.
  4. Wyorp Rock

    Chickens dying suddenly without cause

    Looks like a normal lesion/peck wound to me. I have had this with roosters, they get a small cut or scrape, then as it scabs over they stand there and let the hens pick at it making it worse :hmm I would try Nu Stock or Pine Tar - either of those are supposed to taste bad and deter picking...
  5. Wyorp Rock

    Chickens dying suddenly without cause

    I agree, I would send one for necropsy if possible. Call your state lab if you lose another, they will instruct you on how to ship the body - often they have a label you can print. Getting a fecal float is a good idea if there's a way to have...
  6. Wyorp Rock

    Chickens dying suddenly without cause

    Can you post some photos of you flock and coop/run? How much space do they have?
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