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  1. hysop

    Boy's or Girl's? ♂️♀️

    The tail is looking more like a rooster. Also the comb seems to be turning colors 😕 But I’ll still wager female just for fun. Maybe I’ll win big 🤣 (this is why I don’t do casinos) I love your updates. Thanks 😊
  2. hysop

    Boy's or Girl's? ♂️♀️

    Yeah I might be a tad optimistic but hey it may turn out!! 🤣
  3. hysop

    Boy's or Girl's? ♂️♀️

    I remain with the ones I thought were pullets but now #10 is questionable. A pic of its tail would help. #14 and #15 are questionable too to me but I’m leaning toward male like last time.
  4. hysop

    Boy's or Girl's? ♂️♀️

    I’m on your team!! Hoping it’s a girl if they’re already 5-6 weeks.
  5. hysop

    Boy's or Girl's? ♂️♀️

    I still think 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 13 are females (13 was undecided before to me, but now I’m going with female) #6 I thought was female at the beginning now I see a boy along with 4, 5, 8, 11, 12, 15, 16, and most likely #14 as well All boys.
  6. hysop

    Boy's or Girl's? ♂️♀️

    I hatch chicks with the intent of eating the roosters. I sell the pullets to make up for feeding my roosters to eating age. I do feel bad that is their fate but I treat them nicely up until their end.
  7. hysop

    Boy's or Girl's? ♂️♀️

    At first I thought Naked Necks were the ugliest things but since my Granny had one when I was a kid I wanted some in my flock. They have been the nicest chickens I’ve had. They’re only 8ish weeks so still young but they let me pick them up when no one else will.
  8. hysop

    Boy's or Girl's? ♂️♀️

    I stand by my initial guess for pullets. I’ll add that these are for sure roosters: 4, 5, 8, 11, 12, 15, 16 I am not 100% on 13 & 14 but most likely roos but not sure.
  9. hysop

    Boy's or Girl's? ♂️♀️

    Do come back to this thread and let us know so people who come across this thread in the future end up knowing what the genders were. Or at least what the ratio was since I know it’s hard to keep track who is who
  10. hysop

    Boy's or Girl's? ♂️♀️

    1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10 look like girls to me but if they’re only 3 weeks old that guess can definitely change.
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