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  1. RobinDyan

    Help Sexing 12 Week Old Mixed Flock

    Thanks for taking a look and commenting! They are pretty little things, aren’t they.
  2. RobinDyan

    Help Sexing 12 Week Old Mixed Flock

    Oh my goodness, that would make me so happy! We originally wanted 8 chickens, so we bought 12 because someone told us to expect to loss a few before they fully matured and to expect to get at least a male or two. We are so attached to them now though, that we would be really sad if we had to...
  3. RobinDyan

    Help Sexing 12 Week Old Mixed Flock

    Hello, I would love some help determining the sex of our sweet birds. They are just over 12 weeks old. We have 12 all together, 2 Barred Rocks, 2 Blue Laced Wyandottes, 3 Buff Orpingtons, and 5 Americanas. We have some suspicions that we might have a few cockerels in the group, but we aren’t...
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