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    Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

    Mine are now 8 weeks old. I have ended up with a great mixture.

    Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

    Mine are a almost two weeks old... Only 1 Silkie died, and it wasn't at my house, it was one my sister-in-law took. Mine are all going great. Sorry they are a little blurry, I was shooting through the window so they wouldn't all run away.

    Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

    I ordered my surprise on the 31st and it shipped out on the 11th and came to my door On the 12th. I was expecting it tO Be Two day ship day but the post office called me bright and early on the next day.

    Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

    I got mine last thursday... and all still doing great. I have only had one with pasty butt and it was one of the white silkies. I have identified most of them. 2 Black Spanish Turkeys 3 Black Silkies 2 White Silkies 2 Silver Laced Wyandotte 1 Welsh Harlequin Duckling 2 Egyptian Fayoumi 5 Rhode...

    Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

    Your prob right on the duck, now that I think about it cause there is brownish black tip on the beak. not all flesh toned. And the other thing with this order was they were all alive and spunky. No puny ones yet. But it prob helps that they were here within a day. They shipped on Wednesday and I...

    Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

    the reds with a dot on their head, were marked by Cackle as rhode island reds or equivalent. I looked at their catalog and figured a couple were fayoumi's, i think a couple are black stars, and then there are a couple barred rock. The turkey's are Black Spanish turkeys. The duck is a white...

    Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

    Got my Cackle Surprise today... So excited. I got 53 birds. I believe two turkeys, one duck, two turkens, the rest various chickens. :) Can only figure a few out... But so fun!
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