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  1. Mother of Chicks

    Help with chicken math(s) please :D!

    Squeee - I managed (eventually) to order 4 new silkie pullets. I am so excited and they are arriving on Thursday. Now I just need to finish that coop before they come 😳 I mean - we have started converting the shed but we thought it would be ages before we found some as demand has been crazy. So...
  2. Mother of Chicks

    Help with chicken math(s) please :D!

    I do like the idea of a bachelor pad and so I am keeping it in the back of my mind for when I work out what I already have in terms of gender. It's nice to hear from people who do this though as I just want to keep them all. OMG I have wanted Pekins for ages so I am excitedly Googling in...
  3. Mother of Chicks

    Help with chicken math(s) please :D!

    Hi all, I could do with some of your wonderful wisdom to help me pass a basic course in chicken math(s - I'm a Brit ;)). So, I have 6 silkies of about 8 weeks, and in usual silkie fashion, their gender could be anything. Best guess at the moment is 2xf 2xm and 2x ??. Regardless, they are...
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