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  1. BelovedBirds

    Unknown parent, veins but no visible embryo

    Just rotating 180 degrees, turning it over side to side is fine, but its best to do this about 3 or 5 times a day, an uneven number so that it isnt left on the same side overnignt/long periods of time. A flicker is like a twitch or flinch, tiny little movements. Movements do get harder to see as...
  2. BelovedBirds

    Unknown parent, veins but no visible embryo

    is there any flickers/slight movements?
  3. BelovedBirds

    Unknown parent, veins but no visible embryo

    really the egg should be turned 3 or 5 times a day, if you turn it 180 degrees and then another 180, it's spending very long periods of time on the same side- it isnt as much an issue now that the embryo can move, but in the early stages it makes it possible for the embryo to stick to the shell
  4. BelovedBirds

    Unknown parent, veins but no visible embryo

    how often are you doing it? Can you see veins looking at the egg in person? I can't see any really from the photo- Can you get another photo with them in?
  5. BelovedBirds

    Unknown parent, veins but no visible embryo

    Hi, you may want to make your own thread, as this one is very old- do you know how to do that? Can you share a couple photos of the egg being candled? It would help a lot. Is the egg being automatically or manually turned?
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