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  1. LaFemmeKatia

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    Lucy likes hanging out on the deck.
  2. LaFemmeKatia

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    The young ladies’ first day out in the yard! Of course the LEGHORNS were the first ones out of the pen! :wee:celebrate:ya:jumpy
  3. LaFemmeKatia

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    The chicks are growing by leaps and bounds. They are about 7 or 8 weeks old (they were about a week old when I got them). And this month is my 4 year anniversary of having chickens! And my 4 year anniversary of being a member of BackYardChickens! We presently have 21 chickens, and 4 Muscovy...
  4. LaFemmeKatia

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    I apologize, I never saw your post! We got this small coop at Tractor Supply, they have a few different styles. We like this for when we get new baby chicks who can’t be with the big chickens yet. It’s perfect for about four small chickens. It would be too small for them once they are adults...
  5. LaFemmeKatia

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    The new chicks move into their little coop. THIS was happening in the brooder. Lol.
  6. LaFemmeKatia

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    New peeps! Two white leghorns and two barred rocks Gracie loves peeps. She’s my peep-nanny.
  7. LaFemmeKatia

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    They are all Muscovy ducks.
  8. LaFemmeKatia

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    That is what I love most about it. They can grow up seeing the older flock members and all the comings and goings in the yard.
  9. LaFemmeKatia

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    Meanwhile THIS happened in the hen house. Yes, my broody Buff Orp has been sitting on a nest of duck eggs.
  10. LaFemmeKatia

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    So yesterday I decided it was time to move the babies to the large outside brooder. Their tub was getting small and they were trying to fly out. Plus, face it, looking at the walls of a tub is boring for a chicken. I think they like it!
  11. LaFemmeKatia

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    Here’s a peep update: Almost three weeks old
  12. LaFemmeKatia

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    Well, it’s that time of year again. I have added these little cuties to my flock. They are Lavender Ameraucanas. There will be more blue eggs in my future.
  13. LaFemmeKatia

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    Good morning! :celebrate
  14. LaFemmeKatia

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    My stash from this morning: Look at the tiny one! Here it is again next to the largest one:
  15. LaFemmeKatia

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    Most recent picture of our Mama with her four Littles. Sadly we just lost the solid white one to a hawk attack! We didn’t see that coming, and we are devastated. We finally got them secure from roaming stray dogs, and we were pretty happy with that. We weren’t expecting an aerial strike. RIP...
  16. LaFemmeKatia

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    The chicks are growing up.
  17. LaFemmeKatia

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    Good morning to you too. :frow
  18. LaFemmeKatia

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    We spent three days building an enclosure for our ducks. The ones that loved to hang out at the neighbors pond. We had to bring them home because the neighbor is having a coyote problem and they were getting killed. :( There are sixteen so we brought them home in groups of five and six in a...
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