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  1. Ribh

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    Wow! Some of those are really big!
  2. Ribh

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    All beautiful whichever one you choose. 🥰
  3. Ribh

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    Yep. I had a lone bantam for a while & no way was she staying on the bottom when I added new girls!
  4. Ribh

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    So sorry, Kat. :hugs
  5. Ribh

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    Hope you had a good one!
  6. Ribh

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    I don't know which I love more: the mugs or Tobias! 🥰 So lovely.
  7. Ribh

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    Those are wonderful!
  8. Ribh

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    My lot love coop clean days. They love having everything all clean & sweet smelling. They love to supervise & hate that I lock them out but I have too many tinies to want chickens underfoot ~ particularly when one of them is Olivia! That's a lovely set up you have for them.
  9. Ribh

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    You need to go to you tube. On the left hand side scroll down till you see your videos, then find the video you want & change the settings from private to public.
  10. Ribh

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    Wonderful photos! I love sticky~beaking @ other people's properties! Thank you for sharing.
  11. Ribh

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    Yep, best gone. I relocated a carpet python that tried to have one of my girls as a late night snack. :( Luckily non~venemous & my man is good with reptiles.
  12. Ribh

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    Congratulations! :hugs
  13. Ribh

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    Now all you need is for a chicken or a cat to wander down it & leave foot prints. ;)
  14. Ribh

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    I'm so sorry, Kat. I don't hatch so I'm no help but absolutely devastating to lose them all.:hugs
  15. Ribh

    Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

    Why would I get angry? Though I can't quite believe you guys like these things! :lol: I am starting to rather regret sharing my grubby recipe page instead of typing it out nicely...:oops:
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