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  1. Fallenone05

    BUYER BEWARE: Blue Star Chicken Ranch in Austin TX

    Just want to update that they changed their website URL
  2. Fallenone05

    BUYER BEWARE: Blue Star Chicken Ranch in Austin TX

    Hey, so, if you have to say that what you say is a fact after saying anything at all, it's probably a lie. I've bought healthy birds from people and have kept them healthy, and I've also bought sick birds from people and had to put them down. I've bought birds with no feathers and who looked...
  3. Fallenone05

    BUYER BEWARE: Blue Star Chicken Ranch in Austin TX

    They've been on the website for going on 6 years and have only made two posts - one regarding supporting Blue Star Ranch against an HOA and now this. I believe they're either a spokesperson or someone directly associated with them...
  4. Fallenone05

    BUYER BEWARE: Blue Star Chicken Ranch in Austin TX

    I agree completely. Are some birds carriers? Sure. I'm willing to believe that. But 90%? There's no way.
  5. Fallenone05

    BUYER BEWARE: Blue Star Chicken Ranch in Austin TX

    I'd definitely report her - illness is not common with healthy birds, especially something so transmissible. The only inkling of truth I found was this, "We sell all chickens "as is" and each customer chooses the chickens that they wish to purchase. There is some risk of loss in raising...
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