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  1. MTKitty

    BUYER BEWARE: Blue Star Chicken Ranch in Austin TX

    I spent more time than I should have on her website, shaking my head or chuckling. The site reminds me of old 1990’s info-mercials.
  2. MTKitty

    BUYER BEWARE: Blue Star Chicken Ranch in Austin TX

    Gonna’ go out on a limb, here, and guess you found her opinion of advice on BYC, um ..., a bit offensive? And I’m okay with Mendel. Yup.
  3. MTKitty

    BUYER BEWARE: Blue Star Chicken Ranch in Austin TX

    From BS ranch’s revamped website, I found this very interesting: “Also, be sure to read the forum at Backyard Chickens. It's a good place on the web for beginners. When you are raising chickens to start your research and study more about chickens. Backyard Chickens is not a chicken farm but...
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