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  1. Tankueray

    BUYER BEWARE: Blue Star Chicken Ranch in Austin TX

    Something else has me curious and I haven't had time to do more research. Our OP said that the necropsy came back Mareks, yet the quoted information from the website mentions MG/MS. This leads me to believe that there must have been reason to proactively deny BSR being the source of MG/MS but...
  2. Tankueray

    BUYER BEWARE: Blue Star Chicken Ranch in Austin TX

    It's called Keyword Stuffing, it was a cheap and shady way of increasing SEO back in the day. It's now highly frowned upon by legitimate web developers and the major search engines, so much so that they will actually lower your search rank if they discover it. Especially if the text is...
  3. Tankueray

    BUYER BEWARE: Blue Star Chicken Ranch in Austin TX

    Nah, fools, by design, cannot offend. But i would totally agree if she were referring to the FB group, that's a whole other culture over there. It's the ploy to gain the reader's trust by a passive aggressive "here's a great site, but let me imply that I'm so much better" that grinds my...
  4. Tankueray

    BUYER BEWARE: Blue Star Chicken Ranch in Austin TX

    Good plan. And if a seller is asking more than what the hatcheries want, they should be able to backup their lineage with awards or pedigrees without being offended, and be able to quote most of the applicable standard. Unless you can Google their name and the breed and get a bunch of hits...
  5. Tankueray

    BUYER BEWARE: Blue Star Chicken Ranch in Austin TX

    @Uwish Just in case you didn't read farther, Seabreeze isn't recommended either. Your best bet is to seek the advice of those who have the breeds you want.
  6. Tankueray

    BUYER BEWARE: Blue Star Chicken Ranch in Austin TX

    Sure, a company named after the engineers of the vaporware Titanic II and a brothel sounds way more trustworthy than a brand of gin glorified in 90's rap culture. I mean, I totally agree. I only have experience with multiple endangered species in two of the top zoological programs in the...
  7. Tankueray

    BUYER BEWARE: Blue Star Chicken Ranch in Austin TX

    Words to live by for nearly 150 years now. 😁 👍
  8. Tankueray

    BUYER BEWARE: Blue Star Chicken Ranch in Austin TX

    If you look at the only other post, it's signed by Will. That would be her son, Will Fordyce: After looking a bit more closely, I think there are a few ways to get TAHC involved, but EVERY person who has personally been affected by disease they suspect came...
  9. Tankueray

    BUYER BEWARE: Blue Star Chicken Ranch in Austin TX

    As macabre as that seems, that's sound science and good husbandry.
  10. Tankueray

    BUYER BEWARE: Blue Star Chicken Ranch in Austin TX

    Well, there's a worldwide human trial of something very similar going on right now, so we'll find out if this theory has merit soon enough. (Sorry, biologist sarcasm.) I'm not familiar with the rate of mutation in Marek's, but generally avian or food animal hosts are the best kind for rapid...
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