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  1. J

    Wildfire smoke and chicken health

    Awe you have a speckled Sussex!!
  2. J

    Wildfire smoke and chicken health

    We went outside this morning. And they seemed a little skiddish, but now they are happy and running around. They took dust baths, but they keep going back to that outbuilding door trying to get back in now. I guess they are more adaptable than I gave them credit. They were adjusting to that...
  3. J

    Wildfire smoke and chicken health

    I’ve been sprinkling meal worms...I’ve bought the fancy surf and turf with shrimp to cheer them up. I’ve brought peace offerings of carrots and strawberries. They seem happy for a minute but aren’t eating with as much enthusiasm as usual. I worry all day because I’m at work and then rush...
  4. J

    Wildfire smoke and chicken health

    My birds seem to be fighting more too. Breaks my heart they don’t have the space to run and they are all getting grumpy with each other
  5. J

    Wildfire smoke and chicken health

    That’s actually a good idea, it’s good opportunity to clean their outdoor space. I read somewhere that fans will kick up all the ash that’s settled. I might just turn over all their bedding and wipe down the surfaces. At least they will get a good cleaning in before the weather gets cold...
  6. J

    Wildfire smoke and chicken health

    I’m am really hoping the girls can go back outside tomorrow. They are really stressed and I feel horrible, the outbuilding they have been staying is going to need a massive cleaning so it doesn’t matter about them staying indoors longer from that perspective. Has anyone transitioned their...
  7. J

    Wildfire smoke and chicken health

    How are all you folks holding up? I agree the air is much worse today, I’ve not let the girls out at all. Things seem to calm down after they lay an egg. They seem confused as to where to lay and pace back and forth at the door and wanting out and when one does make a break for it they jump...
  8. J

    Wildfire smoke and chicken health

    We have eight laying hens. Three laid in the few hours I let them out, the rest had to deal with the makeshift boxes. They are in an outbuilding, covered in a tarp that is not really protecting the whole floor. It smells, they stand at the door and beg. I can’t go out often so we have a...
  9. J

    Wildfire smoke and chicken health

    I let them out for a few hours this morning, but I regret it. They are desperate to get to their laying boxes and I felt bad. I took a wire dog kennel and put a box inside with some straw and covered with a moving blanket over the top. I broke out the old wooden eggs from when they started...
  10. J

    Wildfire smoke and chicken health

    I moved my girls into an out building they are not happy. I’m sure it is confusing for them but the air quality in Portland is awful. I cannot be outside for more than a few minutes before my eyes itch, my throat hurts and have a headache. I can’t imagine how they feel after three days of the...
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