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  1. KareyABohr

    $160 Lavender Eggs!

    They are Lavender Orpington chicks.
  2. KareyABohr

    $160 Lavender Eggs!

    We are in the new house now.....well mostly that is. DH has even brought the smaller mini-brooder into the house so my lavender babies are safe. There are cats here on this farm and he was afraid one might get inside the garage. I couldn't believe that he let me keep them in the house! He told...
  3. KareyABohr

    $160 Lavender Eggs!

    Thank you SOO much. At the start of this thread I thought $160 for hatching eggs was crazy! Now it is looking like I got a really good deal for what they are selling for now. But 13 out of 15 to hatch being shipped all the way to IOWA with 8 out of 13 lavender is amazing. These were worth every...
  4. KareyABohr

    $160 Lavender Eggs!

    OK! It has been an AMAZING day on the farm and at LONG LAST here are the chicks! More pictures to come after I finish feeding my starving family! All in all the total is 8 Lavender and 5 blacks! Out of 15 we got 13 live, healthy chicks. I am over the moon happy!
  5. KareyABohr

    $160 Lavender Eggs!

    My DH does 90% of my hatching. I just never really got into it I guess. I get to be around for the best parts though! I have him call me over when he candles and when it is piping and hatching time!
  6. KareyABohr

    $160 Lavender Eggs!

    So far there are eight pips! They are in the bator with Black Copper Marans eggs and they just seem to come out of the shell like Kramer from Seinfeld entered a room. When we get some zips and baby chicks I will let you all know!
  7. KareyABohr

    $160 Lavender Eggs!

    Well I came home from taking my son to his FIRST day of preschool. And if that wasn't exciting enough.... WE HAVE FOUR PIPS!!! Let the lavenders zip!
  8. KareyABohr

    $160 Lavender Eggs!

    I have two racks of meat birds, I try not to get too attached to them. I will be busier than hades here in a bit processing 65 birds! Two racks of Delawares. LOVE THIS BREED! These girls are my egg layers and I have 5 cocks. The next rack are black copper marans and buckeyes. OOH yeah almost...
  9. KareyABohr

    $160 Lavender Eggs!

    Well I just checked them this morning, (through the window of course) to see if I had any "early pippers" Nope. We are in the process of moving 2 1/2 miles up the road but the lavenders aren't going ANYWHERE until they are out and a few days old. We have some meat makers in the brooder right...
  10. KareyABohr

    $160 Lavender Eggs!

    Wednesday evening or more likely Thursday day is GO TIME! I will keep everyone posted! Keeping my fingers crossed for lots of pips, lots of healthy chicks, and LOTS of lavenders! Thanks to everyone for the well wishes!
  11. KareyABohr

    $160 Lavender Eggs!

    Thanks everyone for the positive vibes. Now we just have to wait and see. This has been a SUPER SUPER long 21 days!
  12. KareyABohr

    $160 Lavender Eggs!

    Well we candled at 10 days and ALL of the eggs are showing signs of fertility! They are due to hatch a week from today. I will post updates when things begin to get interesting!
  13. KareyABohr

    $160 Lavender Eggs!

    Thank you! We are very excited. Today we have baby's in the second incubator we used to hatch in. 5 out of 9 so far. BCM. Once they are all done it will get a good disinfecting and wait for the Lavenders. We had a terrible storm last night. Lots of rain and lightning. I was freaking out we...
  14. KareyABohr

    $160 Lavender Eggs!

    Darn-it! I sure wish I would have known about the melted wax trick a few days ago! I can't wait to candle them. I can't believe it has only been three days! I want them to pip NOW.
  15. KareyABohr

    $160 Lavender Eggs!

    I put them in the incubator last night. Upon closer inspection one was cracked. I was bummed but used it as a great opportunity to show my kids the difference between a fert and non fert egg. It WAS! I actually dreamed about lavender chickens last night until I was so rudely awoken by the dog...
  16. KareyABohr

    $160 Lavender Eggs!

    Yeah Sorry Katy, I have my Sebbies on the brain. I had four eggs in the bator, due on the 10th. Two were duds. Keeping my fingers crossed on the remaining two. I just hope they LIVE let alone get a boy and a girl!
  17. KareyABohr

    $160 Lavender Eggs!

    I am sure that there are a lot of you out there who are curious about these eggs so I thought I would start a thread and keep you all updated on their progress! First and foremost THANKS Hinkcj for offering them up in the first place! I recieved 16 eggs today on my BIRTHDAY!!! Yippie! Here...
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