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  1. WannaBeHillBilly

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    Just got the e-mail with the link to my Once again, thank you very much! Not sure yet for what this fund will be used, but it will benefit the duckies.
  2. WannaBeHillBilly

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    Woops! - I won the lottery?! - I am flattened! :bow
  3. WannaBeHillBilly

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    I have to admit defeat: I thought river-gravel would be good enough to drain away the mess the ducks create in their new run with the water, but it is not, so i urgently need some slotted drainage pipe like this...
  4. WannaBeHillBilly

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    I need another pipe heating cable to prevent the new duck-waterer from freezing solid:
  5. WannaBeHillBilly

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    Just growing Winter Wheat fodder for my ducks might become a bit boring for them so some »Premium Chicken Poultry Pasture Forage and Fodder Seeds« might be a good variation. If you are interested in growing fodder but have unanswered questions, please visit this winters' fodder-thread...
  6. WannaBeHillBilly

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    Just stumbled upon these bowls:
  7. WannaBeHillBilly

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    What about a beautiful duck mail-box cover?
  8. WannaBeHillBilly

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    When da wife is really mad at ya 'cause ya sitt'n in ya fav'rit' rocka' with a naice bottle o'shine, ya just let a slipper slip off ya foot and…
  9. WannaBeHillBilly

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    Now that the view outside is tainted by bald trees and shrubs it would be nice to add some colourful ducks to the livingroom window:
  10. WannaBeHillBilly

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    A must have for every duck owner who loves to drink hot tea:
  11. WannaBeHillBilly

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    Speak a new language in no time, no pesky memorizing hard to pronounce words, no getting desperate over a complex grammar. Learn a new language the natural way! Now everyone can speak DUCK immediately with this new duck-call combo...
  12. WannaBeHillBilly

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    Somebody stole my hand painted »Duck Eggs 4 Sale« sign from my driveway and i don't have the time to make a new one, so i am thinking about ordering this one...
  13. WannaBeHillBilly

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    I was actually searching for something completely different, not even poultry related, when i stumbled upon this:
  14. WannaBeHillBilly

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    My ducks are telling me that we have to expect an unusual cold winter here in West Virginia, so buying multiple pairs of heated socks is advised (for once, listen to my dux @duluthralphie, just this one time! 😉 )...
  15. WannaBeHillBilly

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    I urgently need one of these mugs for my next video-conference call!!!
  16. WannaBeHillBilly

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    With a flock of now 40 hungry ducks i need to fence in open more space with better protection against predators, so i will have to go with some electric fencing and need a fence-energizer like this one...
  17. WannaBeHillBilly

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    I stumbled upon those too and thought those might be something for my ducks too.
  18. WannaBeHillBilly

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    I do need at least one of these float valve kits to build a new waterer for the new duck-run. My flock of now 40 birds empties a 5 gallon waterer in one night and then there's a water riot every morning…...
  19. WannaBeHillBilly

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    [hitting with telephone pole on] As there is still no duck calendar from BYC available, below would be the next best substitute. [hitting with telephone pole off]
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