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  1. piminuse

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    I'm lucky that most my chicken's and myself have our needs met, so my personal wish list is starting to thin out, but new poultry sheers would make my life a heck of a lot easier then it comes time to eating the things.
  2. piminuse

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    Guess I gotta take my chickens to church XD
  3. piminuse

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    Something a lil sturdier to feed my meat birds corn/milk mash in would be nice :O
  4. piminuse

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    I'm running out of things to add to my wish list!! More fermentation lids are always helpful when I'm making their food for the week :D
  5. piminuse

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    It's almost rooster pot pie time...yummmm!
  6. piminuse

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    I like using coco coir mats for the nest boxes (sooooo easy to clean), but they're also great for the garden. Could always use more!
  7. piminuse

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    I would like a dedicated broody station that's not a dog crate...this would be a nice upgrade!
  8. piminuse

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    Boy oh boy do I love me some chicken enchiladas...a new steamer would be great to, uh, appreciate the flavor of my freezer camp attendees.
  9. piminuse

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    The dogs are jealous of all the time I spend with the chickens...they might appreciate a disguise so they can roam the yard incognito with the birds...
  10. piminuse

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    We usually use gallon bags for storing freezer camp attendees, but I would like to upgrade to the nicer looking and long-term solution of shrink bags! Cozy little sleeping (body?) bags for the poor roos XD
  11. piminuse

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    Not uh...not the thing my boy chickens would be looking forward to... Processing day is coming up soon and I would like an upgrade from my plastic 2 liter bottle to a legit kill cone.
  12. piminuse

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    The state of the world has me visiting the home bar more regularly than I should...Could use some more cocktail inspiration with this book. It's not drinking alone of there's a chicken in my lap, amirite?
  13. piminuse

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    fer 👏 men 👏ted 👏feed! It's been on my project list for a while...I want some pretty jars to store my fermenting batches since they're in plain view in the kitchen.
  14. piminuse

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    I use soap dishes for my grit/osyter shell stations. These are cute and are seriously fashion over function, but I want my birds to be proud of their house!
  15. piminuse

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    This is an a-maz-ing(ly ugly) ornament I'd love to pick up for my ma for X-mas.
  16. piminuse

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    The sunflowers were a big hit with the birds this year, but I think I can go BIGGER and BETTER in 2021 with a 1200+ sunflower garden for them to enjoy:
  17. piminuse

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    Whenever canning supplies come back in stock and go back to normal pricing I need some more jars to pickle some eggs. Sounds gross, but when you're hungover/hangry they hit the spot!
  18. piminuse

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    Gotta protect my little girls from the horny boys XD One of my cocks is starting to get those urges and I suspect that the gals will be looking a lil rough for a while without some fashionable intervention.
  19. piminuse

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    I got this for my Ma's b-day last week and she loves it! She's only got nine layers, so this might be a little overkill (until chicken math kicks in), but its still a stylish way to rep the chicken love...
  20. piminuse

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    Seeds! I grow garden greens for the gals, but Winter is Coming so I've gotta grow indoors and microgreens seem like the ticket!
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