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  1. Run-A-Muck Ranch

    My Cull Wood Coop

    Quote: Yes, that's one of my girls tryin' to hog the camera! I have 18 assorted chickens, White Leghorns, Black Austrolorps, and some mutt barred rock x leghorn and an EE roster. That was one of my unforseen mistakes. The roof should have had more of an overhang on the ends to accomedate...
  2. Run-A-Muck Ranch

    My Cull Wood Coop

    Very Cute Coop...Is that a chickens peeking back at the camera in picutre #2 (the close-up of the roof one)??? I do have to ask though and don't wanna be a downer, but do you have chicken wire or anything up on the roof(under the tiles)...It looks as if a preditor could climb right up into the...
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