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  1. artist chick

    Rooster spurs

    We did this last night with a set of heavy-duty clippers and a flashlight to see where the quick ended. It was no problem at all- he never flinched either! Thank goodness. He is already walking much better without having to walk around them!
  2. artist chick

    Rooster spurs

    Thank you again, Ivan! That's excellent information. We'll be doing it as soon as we can- hopefully tonight.
  3. artist chick

    Rooster spurs

    Thank you so much for the excellent pictures and description! Our rooster is indeed having to goose step around his very long spurs. Will you tell me- that last picture where you are soaking his foot- are you soaking it because of the spur or the bumble foot? after you file the spur do you need...
  4. artist chick

    Rooster spurs

    Thank you, Ella. I think we're going to try it tonight.
  5. artist chick

    Rooster spurs

    Well, I can sure see that happening here. Poor thing, they are so long he has to walk like a bow-legged cowboy!
  6. artist chick

    Rooster spurs

    In my case, our rooster is as sweet as he can be but his spurs are longer than his longest toe! They even interfere with his walking. I don't think he could truly fight with them because they are so long. I would love to know for certain I wasn't going to hurt him if I trim his spurs. I'd also...
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