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  1. Duckee

    Triple yolk...SMH

    I like names: Ivory Opal Willow Pepper Blessings on your upcoming hatch.
  2. Duckee

    Triple yolk...SMH

    Ok, that is pure cuteness right there! I'll take the white, tan, and gray can keep the rest! LOL
  3. Duckee

    Triple yolk...SMH

    Cant wait to see them
  4. Duckee

    Triple yolk...SMH

    Same here! I had to sell my was just too tempting! :lau So thankful to BYCers for posting thier hatches!!!
  5. Duckee

    Triple yolk...SMH

    Congratulations! How sweet they are :love
  6. Duckee

    Triple yolk...SMH

    Im sorry you lost eggula 😪 Im still following the rest of your batch & hoping for 100% cuteness to come soon 👍
  7. Duckee

    Triple yolk...SMH

    One egg hatching is amazing, but hooked! Watching & cheering for. babies 🐥🐥
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