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  1. J-Danger

    Chick not eating/drinking, not pooping, gasps, click sound when breathing. Please help!

    Do you have any ideas about what could have caused his swollen belly? And the 'gas'? His 'bottom' was also yellow. Like an egg yolk kind of yellow. I didn't get any photos of his bottom/vent area last night because I was trying to get his belly warm. But I have photos of when he was hatched...
  2. J-Danger

    Chick not eating/drinking, not pooping, gasps, click sound when breathing. Please help!

    My little one is gone. At about 11pm his belly was really tight and felt cold, and it was hard to warm up. I think the pressure inside his belly was making him gasp so much. It happened again later and I just couldn't get his belly to warm up again. I was holding the chick closer to the heat...
  3. J-Danger

    Chick not eating/drinking, not pooping, gasps, click sound when breathing. Please help!

    The chicks belly is very swollen, a far bit of gas is coming out when I'm massaging the chick to make the chick poop. Is it possible that one of the air sacs is leaking internally into his belly?? It seems as though the tighter his belly gets, the chicks clicking noise becomes more of a...
  4. J-Danger

    Chick not eating/drinking, not pooping, gasps, click sound when breathing. Please help!

    Unfortunately, no. The chick hasn't been eating chick starter. It won't eat at all unless I mix it up so the food is wet/runny and I can drip it onto its beak for the chick to swallow instinctively. I was mixing chick starter into Gatorade and liquid vitamins, etc. on the 4th day. But when I...
  5. J-Danger

    Chick not eating/drinking, not pooping, gasps, click sound when breathing. Please help!

    I haven't wet the chick with warm water again yet, but I just gave it a few more drops of the Hydralyte/Probiotic/Water/Liquid Vitamin mix. As I inspected the chick, I think I observed the clicking coming from the area under its wings. I think I might be able to 'see' the clicking as it happens...
  6. J-Danger

    Chick not eating/drinking, not pooping, gasps, click sound when breathing. Please help!

    I had done a little bit of research regarding air sacs (especially because the gasping becomes worse when I massage its vent area to help it poop and its bottom looked like it was blown up like a balloon on either side when it had hatched). When inspecting the chick, I can't locate anything...
  7. J-Danger

    Chick not eating/drinking, not pooping, gasps, click sound when breathing. Please help!

    Thank you for your response Eggcessive. I am hoping that the chick just needs time to develop whatever parts of it which are causing issues. But it needs to stay strong and alive to do that and it's very unusual to me for an animal to have no appetite while not appearing to be ill (i.e., low...
  8. J-Danger

    Chick not eating/drinking, not pooping, gasps, click sound when breathing. Please help!

    I would be extremely grateful for advice, ideas, any kind of help! I am scared to loose this chick! 1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Chick- 5 days old (assisted hatch last week on the night of Thursday 8th October). It...
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