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  1. Offshoreorca

    new chickens

    I’ve never had experience with sex links, but I have had aggressive leghorn hens in the past. All my chicken breeds right now are heritage and docile, so there’s very little trouble with introductions (even new cockerels).
  2. Offshoreorca

    new chickens

    Okay, just watch that you don’t have any aggressive bullies since true laying hens (like leghorns) don’t have as docile personalities as some heritage breeds, which can make introductions more challenging. Introduce them at night and then watch them the next morning - remember that some picking...
  3. Offshoreorca

    new chickens

    At night chickens are really calm - it’s best to introduce them in the dark. You’ll likely see them squabbling a bit during the day as the establish their hierarchy again, but this is normal. What kind of hens do you currently have?
  4. Offshoreorca

    new chickens

    If you were looking to quarantine them, then the system you have will be entirely ineffective as any sort of disease or parasites will easily spread across the fence. If it’s just to get the two parties use to each other then you can try to introduce them at night after a week or two of being...
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