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  1. shineandrise

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 11-6-20 Pic by Rooapalooza

    X2! I love that gif! :celebrate
  2. shineandrise

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 11-6-20 Pic by Rooapalooza

    The house looked deserted, the curious chicken crept to the window. Slowly, she tried to pry it open, when suddenly... MEOW! The seething house cat jumped upon her. Fortunately, the chicken got away, she would just have to wait till next time to get those mealworms!
  3. shineandrise

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 11-6-20 Pic by Rooapalooza

    "Hey, you human in there, if you don't open the window right now, I am going to scratch it and peck it and let's just say, use my 'special paint' on it! *Clucks* You had better take the offer, the going price for a window like this is almost 150$."
  4. shineandrise

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 11-6-20 Pic by Rooapalooza

    "Where are their shavings?! Gosh, they must have to clean out that carpet a lot!"
  5. shineandrise

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 11-6-20 Pic by Rooapalooza

    "You have potted plants in your coop?! You don't even put fruit trees in our pen, let alone our coop."
  6. shineandrise

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 11-6-20 Pic by Rooapalooza

    "Please, please let me in!!! I'm being chased by a cat! Let me in!"
  7. shineandrise

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 11-6-20 Pic by Rooapalooza

    "So, your cooking THREE of my babies this morning, yet you only gave me ONE mealworm! I told you, a mealworm an egg- get the deal?!"
  8. shineandrise

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 11-6-20 Pic by Rooapalooza

    "Your human babies get to stay inside your wonderful coop, but I don't. So that means I'm not your baby?! You... you don't love me." *WAAAAA* "There is only one way to renew your love- maybe a few mealworms?!"
  9. shineandrise

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 11-6-20 Pic by Rooapalooza

    "What, you have air conditioning?! And television?! *Sniff* I am so underprivileged!"
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