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  1. Chicken-mumma

    Breeds and genders

    Thank you! That makes me so happy. That means out of the 12 chicks I had, I ended up with 7 hens 🥰 yay! What a journey it's been. Thank you to everyone who helped out. What a great community 😁
  2. Chicken-mumma

    Breeds and genders

    Thank you for all your advice so far. Yesterday I returned 3 roosters back to the breeder (splash Orpington, blue Australorp and Marans). Unfortunately the other week our little runt passed away. I am holding on to the Black Australorp as he hasn't started crowing yet, and he is just so...
  3. Chicken-mumma

    Breeds and genders

    Thank you. That's the way I'm leaning too. Such a shame he's the only one (so far) that will sit happily in my lap and fall asleep.
  4. Chicken-mumma

    Breeds and genders

    Thank you 🙂 i love them so much. Here's hoping I'm wrong about the austalrop 🤞
  5. Chicken-mumma

    Breeds and genders

    I I hope so too. He's quite friendly. Just posted some more photos of some of the others.its hard to get decent photos. They move too fast 😁
  6. Chicken-mumma

    Breeds and genders

    Here are some of my other babies. Blue copper Maran 10 weeks - girl? Red Ancona (?) 10 weeks - girl? Blue Australorp 10 weeks - boy? Cream legbar (back) 8 weeks - girl Gold laced Wyandotte 10 weeks - girl? Maran 10 weeks (runt) - boy or girl? Silver DL barnevelder 10 weeks - girl...
  7. Chicken-mumma

    Breeds and genders

    10 weeks old now and they're just starting to get affectionate. This is my black Australorp. Always thought boy. Do you agree? I love him because he's sooo fluffy 😍
  8. Chicken-mumma

    Breeds and genders

    6 weeks old now. Silver laced barnevelder. This is my only Barnie, so I'm hoping she's a girl, but I can see tiny little wattles forming 🙁🤞
  9. Chicken-mumma

    Breeds and genders

    🤞 Here's hoping!
  10. Chicken-mumma

    Breeds and genders

    Omg that would make my day. She is a big sweetie and chirps happily whenever I pick her up. Thank you 😁
  11. Chicken-mumma

    Breeds and genders

    5 week old Maran. This was always the biggest and I always assume rooster, but the older it's getting the more I'm leaning towards hen. Or maybe I'm just really hoping it's a hen 🙂 Im pretty certain at this point both my australorps are roosters ☹️
  12. Chicken-mumma

    Breeds and genders

    And here is the little blue or splash Maran. It is the runt. Much smaller than all the others and later to develop. It is 4 weeks old and about the same size as my 2 week old black copper Maran. It's got such pretty colouring I'm desperately hoping it's a girl. It's the one that cries out all...
  13. Chicken-mumma

    Breeds and genders

    As the chicks are getting older, it's harder to get decent photos of them as they just don't stay still. This is an update on one of the gold laced Wyandottes (I actually can't tell if it's Chick 8 or chick 10). 4 weeks old now. I'm really hoping it's a girl 🤞
  14. Chicken-mumma

    Breeds and genders

    Absolutely will! Thank you 🙂
  15. Chicken-mumma

    Breeds and genders

    Thank you. I thought that would be the case, but I'm so impatient 🙂
  16. Chicken-mumma

    Breeds and genders

    How exciting. Thank you so much 🙂
  17. Chicken-mumma

    Breeds and genders

    Thank you very much Quaiken108. I don't have a photo of #6 directly front on, but can take one tomorrow. Does this help?
  18. Chicken-mumma

    Breeds and genders

    Thank you. I think you must be correct. Do you have any idea what sort of Maran the light one would be?
  19. Chicken-mumma

    Breeds and genders

    Thank you very much. I'm really loving having these tiny babies to raise 🙂
  20. Chicken-mumma

    Breeds and genders

    Oh I really hope you are right!! Thank you 🙂
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