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  1. cluckingheck

    The Saga of Daria: When will she heckin’ lay?!

    it seems like it would’ve been best if she never started laying. She’s been internally laying from practically day one and the only relief has been from molting/winter. Trying to lance isn’t helping and I think it’s time to put her down.
  2. cluckingheck

    The Saga of Daria: When will she heckin’ lay?!

    She certainly took her sweet time!! You should’ve seen the hole she dug out in the wood chips lol. She was almost to the bottom of the nesting box when she laid
  3. cluckingheck

    The Saga of Daria: When will she heckin’ lay?!

    It’s really hard to tell. She might be holding off until the days are get even longer. Each chicken is different. You could separate her out in her own little area for a week or so if you really want to be sure she’s not laying yet. Otherwise, here’s an article to vent checking...
  4. cluckingheck

    The Saga of Daria: When will she heckin’ lay?!

    YOU WERE RIGHT ON THE MONEY!! At 39 weeks and 4 days, Daria has finally laid her first egg!! While I was hoping for more of a sky blue, I can’t complain! It’s absolutely gorgeous!!
  5. cluckingheck

    The Saga of Daria: When will she heckin’ lay?!

  6. cluckingheck

    The Saga of Daria: When will she heckin’ lay?!

    Not much of an update, but it’s still progress. I can now fit two fingers in between her pelvic points and she’s starting to walk with this weird waddle. is that a “im going to start laying soon” walk??
  7. cluckingheck

    The Saga of Daria: When will she heckin’ lay?!

    I would just like to say that Daria is still, in fact, a freeloader. Also, she looks ridiculous when she stays out in the rain
  8. cluckingheck

    The Saga of Daria: When will she heckin’ lay?!

    i know i keep saying this, but I think she’s going to start laying soon....also, she likes chasing the 6 week old chicks when their mom isn’t around.
  9. cluckingheck

    The Saga of Daria: When will she heckin’ lay?!

    i hope im not seeing things, but it looks like her comb and face is getting redder
  10. cluckingheck

    The Saga of Daria: When will she heckin’ lay?!

    she probably dreams of more ways to freeload:barnie
  11. cluckingheck

    The Saga of Daria: When will she heckin’ lay?!

    oh man, i feel like Daria is going to do the same thing. She’s 7 months ( 31 weeks old ) and still no egg
  12. cluckingheck

    The Saga of Daria: When will she heckin’ lay?!

    Didn’t get to post yesterday because I worked a double shift, still no eggs.
  13. cluckingheck

    The Saga of Daria: When will she heckin’ lay?!

    surprise, surprise — still no eggs
  14. cluckingheck

    The Saga of Daria: When will she heckin’ lay?!

    daria: “if i don’t look at him, i can’t see the disappointment in his face.” yep, still no eggs
  15. cluckingheck

    The Saga of Daria: When will she heckin’ lay?!

    it’s actually hard to get her to look in the right direction! she moves her head around so much and a lot of the pictures are just a blur. it’d be too difficult to get her a gig in modeling lol
  16. cluckingheck

    The Saga of Daria: When will she heckin’ lay?!

    now she’s taunting me with the fact there’s still no blue eggs....
  17. cluckingheck

    The Saga of Daria: When will she heckin’ lay?!

    she looks like she’s constantly angry but she’s a sweetie. she has the resting b face down pat lol. i might sell some hatching eggs from her, but i haven’t figured out if i really want to
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