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  1. ackie

    Rooster attacked, severe neck injury (graphic image)

    I think this is the correct order of things. Dried blood on him isnt doing any harm. The main concern there is just whether you could miss an injury underneath it, but if you're confident you havent, removing the blood is definitely low priority. Warm wash cloth, dabbing not rubbing, when you do...
  2. ackie

    Rooster attacked, severe neck injury (graphic image)

    If they are willing to swallow, I just put food in their mouths for them. Starting with mash usually and you can just kinda smear it inside their beak.
  3. ackie

    Rooster attacked, severe neck injury (graphic image)

    I assume theres next to no harm in allowing him to eat if he wants to.
  4. ackie

    Rooster attacked, severe neck injury (graphic image)

    he should learn to compensate for his questionable eyesight. I'd just apply a warm towel to soften up and gently remove any crusties to give him the best chance of seeing.
  5. ackie

    Rooster attacked, severe neck injury (graphic image)

    Aw poor baby. If you keep up with changing the bandage and keeping it clean, it is probably alright. If you find that changing it is stressing him out a lot, maybe discontinue it. I dont think you mentioned his current living arrangement, but he should be kept somewhere protected from the...
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