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  1. ButtonHoarder

    My Button Quail Are Picking On Each Other, What's The Best Approach?

    Yeah, I have considered switching them up, but I'm not sure if I should or who will get along with who. Aww that's so sweet. I love hearing mine crow, they won't do it when I'm in their house, just if I'm standing outside I'll hear them start.
  2. ButtonHoarder

    My Button Quail Are Picking On Each Other, What's The Best Approach?

    Ooh great idea! I think I'll try to do something like that. Thanks!
  3. ButtonHoarder

    My Button Quail Are Picking On Each Other, What's The Best Approach?

    Another question I had was is it big enough?
  4. ButtonHoarder

    My Button Quail Are Picking On Each Other, What's The Best Approach?

    Ok thank you, I'll find some stuff.
  5. ButtonHoarder

    My Button Quail Are Picking On Each Other, What's The Best Approach?

    That's comforting to hear. I read somewhere that the minimum for a pair of button quail is 1 square foot, but I'm not sure if that's correct or not :confused:
  6. ButtonHoarder

    My Button Quail Are Picking On Each Other, What's The Best Approach?

    This one is not better but here it is anyway: They are roughly 2.5 square feet I think
  7. ButtonHoarder

    My Button Quail Are Picking On Each Other, What's The Best Approach?

    This is the best I could take: Sorry I'm really bad at taking pictures
  8. ButtonHoarder

    My Button Quail Are Picking On Each Other, What's The Best Approach?

    I don't think this is the problem, but if it is I might be able to give them more
  9. ButtonHoarder

    My Button Quail Are Picking On Each Other, What's The Best Approach?

    I wasn't sure that they were, none seemed more attached to each other than others so I just picked some. No, there isn't more feathers than normal, I think they just aren't getting along. Do you mean put more than two together in one pen? I would rather not to do that, because when we built...
  10. ButtonHoarder

    My Button Quail Are Picking On Each Other, What's The Best Approach?

    Hey everybody, I separated my button quail into pairs about a month or so ago, because people said that's how they live best, but I only have one pair that seems to not pick on each other :( Two of the couples look kinda like over mating because the females have bare backs, and the males are...
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