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  1. BigFuzzball

    Chicken laying soft shell or egg but no shell - what to do....

    Thanks for the advice, will cut them back to a couple of days a week and take it from there. The treats are literally that though, being locked in their run (as per DEFRA restrictions) day in day out they really are struggling - they've decimated any grass etc in there, currently the ground is...
  2. BigFuzzball

    Chicken laying soft shell or egg but no shell - what to do....

    They have oyster shells and in a separate bowl, treats are mixed cracked corn, seed mix, black sunflower seeds, sunflower hearts, mealworms, split peas etc in the afternoons (and as 'confined to barracks' have been using small plastic drinks bottles with holes in loaded with the treats which...
  3. BigFuzzball

    Chicken laying soft shell or egg but no shell - what to do....

    Hi, thanks for the reply. My fault....forgot to say in my post that we have been saving, washing, baking, crushing and sprinkling the egg shells onto our birds food for years now and whereas Dottie our Welsummer has benefited and begun laying again, Maisie our Buff Sussex is only still...
  4. BigFuzzball

    Chicken laying soft shell or egg but no shell - what to do....

    Hi, have a 13 month old Buff Sussex who's not been through a moult but stopped laying when the other chickens who were moulting did. She's now started to lay again but for the last month she either lays really soft or tissue paper thin shells and so the eggs are useless. She's eating very...
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