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  1. Chickax2 Boomx2

    Canadians check in here....

    Oh dear! No no, the dogloo is in the run, with a 'summer house' attached to it. It's a 5' x 15' run plus nesting boxes, roosts, ladder... so plenty of room for four hens to run around in. They hang out in the dogloo during the day, but I've fixed up the summer house to be warmer as per...
  2. Chickax2 Boomx2

    Canadians check in here....

    Okay, that's an easy fix -- thank you. :o)
  3. Chickax2 Boomx2

    Canadians check in here....

    Wow -- Quailsong, I never thought of adding leaves, grass, SCRAPS(?!!), TOMATO PLANTS (!!!) to my deep litter -- thank you! For the first time ever, I actually have leaves to rake this year -- I'll add them to the coop on top of my new sand! Thank you!
  4. Chickax2 Boomx2

    Canadians check in here....

    TropBeaucoup - I like the idea of putting sand down with the shavings on top; then I've got the best of both worlds. Hennible - Your new avatar frightens me... I might have nightmares tonight, lol!
  5. Chickax2 Boomx2

    Canadians check in here....

    I don't have an insulated coop... Just a dogloo for them in the winter cold, although I also have a dog house with a light bulb attachment I can give them if I need to, but I'm worried about setting them on fire so I'm saving that as an absolute emergency. There are only four of them but with...
  6. Chickax2 Boomx2

    Canadians check in here....

    What type of flooring do you all use in your coops for the winter? I'm new to chickens and am a little concerned about them in my little sketchy coop in my backyard... Living in Vernon, BC. :o) I've read online that sand is the warmest for the floor; I had wood shavings and was planning on...
  7. Chickax2 Boomx2

    Canadians check in here....

    Thank you! I'm very excited about them and have them bookmarked! :o) I also found a brother of a friend of a friend with a farm (whew!) who has many heritage breeds in a town nearby, and one other breeder: so I have a few good leads now! And I have to laugh that you...
  8. Chickax2 Boomx2

    Canadians check in here....

    Hey Faydra! I'm from Vernon... What type of hens did you find, and where did you get them from? I'm searching for Ameraucanas and Copper Marans... I currently have an Easter Egger, an Australorp, and a Lohmann Brown (who I LOVE!!). :o)
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