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  1. Klorinth

    Canadians check in here....

    Hi Everyone! I just got some ominous news from the grapevine... Apparently the rules for air lines are changing in the USA again. The US will no longer allow a bunch of stuff to be shipped by airlines into the country. So far I only know of a couple things included on the list, dogs and bodies...
  2. Klorinth

    Canadians check in here....

    Sheri, In the future, once we have everything going, I may be able to help you out. We go to the dog show in Yorkton every year. Its a short drive to you from there. Keep me in mind anyway. We may be able to help each other. Good Luck
  3. Klorinth

    Canadians check in here....

    Lorraine, There are a few of us from Manitoba. Just not many. I'm just on the edge of Winnipeg. Welcome.
  4. Klorinth

    Canadians check in here....

    Sounds like a great idea. It has been a bit of work tracking down people and hatcheries. There are those of us that would rather be able to get eggs and chicks from neighbors and other provinces. No need to deal with the border. We could just start a Canadian thread. We would need to keep it going.
  5. Klorinth

    Canadians check in here....

    LOL He is one of our Norrbottenspets puppies. We breed them. They're a spitz type hunting dog. Think of a Siberian Husky, with the colour of a Palomino horse, the height of your knees, and a fully curled tail. Thanks
  6. Klorinth

    Canadians check in here....

    With the way the temps have been here for the last several weeks. I would expect that they are spending lots of time on forums like this trying not to go outside. It is -25 outside right now. With the wind it feels like -35 to -40! LOL Just the way we like it in Winterpeg!
  7. Klorinth

    Canadians check in here....

    I guess I should say hello finally. I have been around a little while already. I feel a little out in the cold here in Winnipeg. I have just read this entire thread and there are only like 5 of us in Manitoba! How is it we are so outnumbered?
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