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  1. PrairieChicks

    Canadians check in here....

    Welcome, birds n bunnies! We live 1/2 hour north of Saskatoon. We're cheering on the spring weather too - it's just taking a bit longer than I'd like! What kind of chickens do you have? I bought a mix of Heritage breeds last spring and have 8 hens and a rooster. (buff Orpington, buff...
  2. PrairieChicks

    Canadians check in here....

    Welcome, Wolfiemum! I live north of Saskatoon. I have 2 buff Orpingtons, 2 buff Brahmas, 2 Danish brown Leghorns, 2 Easter Eggers, 1 standard white cochin. Got them as day old chicks last June. One of the orpingtons is sitting on some eggs. Here's hoping....
  3. PrairieChicks

    Canadians check in here....

    Thanks for your ideas, Kueken. You have lots of goals - and you're well on the way to achieving them! We love the country life as well. I plant a big vegetable garden (as well as lots of flowers). Like you said, it feels good to know where your food comes from. Also have miniature donkeys...
  4. PrairieChicks

    Canadians check in here....

    You live in a beautiful area, Kim! We've driven through there a number of times. Enjoy your coop building! It's exciting to get ready for chickens and when the little chicks come it's so much fun! Mine were mailed to me last spring through Canada Post. I was worried if they would survive...
  5. PrairieChicks

    Canadians check in here....

    Those are good ideas. What kind of a swing do you hang your veggies from? I baked my first boredom buster block on the weekend - it made 2. The chickens ate one in a few hours. I would like to think of something to keep the wind out of the outside fenced area. Heavy plastic may work - but...
  6. PrairieChicks

    Canadians check in here....

    Congratulations! The first egg is so exciting!! How many chickens do you have?
  7. PrairieChicks

    Canadians check in here....

    Hi everyone! It's good to find a thread with other Northerners. This was my first winter with chickens in 20 years. I was amazed with how well they did. I have a small insulated coop and was all ready to put in a heat lamp. But I decided to wait till the hens looked unhappy or too cold...
  8. PrairieChicks

    Canadians check in here....

    They are beautiful! I've never seen African Geese before. Where did you find them?
  9. PrairieChicks

    Canadians check in here....

    Hi from north of Saskatoon, Sk. Got 33 "Heritage Breed" chicks 7 weeks ago. Looks like I ended up with 5 breeds. After reading on BYC I now know the Ameraucana's are Easter Eggers and it looks like I got 5 of them. Still trying to figure out exactly who is a roo and who is a pullet! Anyone...
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