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  1. patandchickens

    Canadians check in here....

    Have they moved their website, then, or is my computer doing something bizarre with cookies? I looked just now at and all I'm seeing is material from 2006 and January 2007. ? Just curious, Pat
  2. patandchickens

    Canadians check in here....

    I'm not sure what problem you are having, but canadianchickeneggswappers IS on yuku (I checked in about 15 seconds ago, to make sure nothing weird had happened). Does that url not work for you? (It's CANADIANchickeneggswappers, if you just went to...
  3. patandchickens

    Canadians check in here....

    Canadianchickeneggswappers has migrated to Yuku Not many people there as of last time I looked, but I expect it will pick up when the msn group totally shuts down next month. (e.t.a - there were several people on the mnsgroups group in Alberta who...
  4. patandchickens

    Canadians check in here....

    Quote: Yeah, isn't this how LAST winter started, almost exactly, only this week it's started about 10 days earlier? Eeeep. The eavestrough on the back of the garage came partly down and the aluminum split open, and now I have to figure out some way to put up new eavestrough this afternoon...
  5. patandchickens

    Canadians check in here....

    Probably I shouldn't be posting this *here*, but, sue me Anybody want a trio of young "buff chanteclers". I am putting that in quotes because they are not real close to the standard and I suspect them of having a goodly dose of buff orpington ... they are cushion or pea combed, but are very...
  6. patandchickens

    Canadians check in here....

    Quote: Hi Omelette, I'm in Uxbridge, not quite an hour to the north. I am impressed that you've got chickens in the city <applause> Pat
  7. patandchickens

    Canadians check in here....

    Quote: There will be an auction in Perth on the last saturday in March, of his equipment and I think some birds as well. Check the Canadianchickeneggswappers2 msn group for details. Pat
  8. patandchickens

    Canadians check in here....

    <waving hi from Uxbridge, on the other side of L Simcoe from you> Welcome to BYC! Pat
  9. patandchickens

    Canadians check in here....

    I've been reading this forum since last spring but only now have seen this topic so I thought I'd pop in and wave hi. I live in Uxbridge ON, about an hour north of toronto. We have 19 acres, populated with 3 horses (a retired TB, a retired Lipizzaner cross, and a theoretically-in-work TB)...
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