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  1. casschumama

    When to move chicks outside?

    They spent the day in the coop and run and only night in the aquarium with their heat plate, As our extension cord doesn't reach their coop 🥴. They are back out in their run at 8am! :)
  2. casschumama

    When to move chicks outside?

    They spent the night outside last night & did fine! No loud chirping, and woke up and have been fine ever since. :) thank you!!
  3. casschumama

    When to move chicks outside?

    While my husband is pretty tolerant of birds in the house, my nose isn't 😅 we will finish up the run and coop today and bring them outside, clean the brooder and go get the last 2 chicks tomorrow! Thank you for your insight!!
  4. casschumama

    When to move chicks outside?

    We are building a larger coop, and the dog house (4×5×3) is temporary. :) we are also repurposing 2 xl twin size beds together for a larger coop. The dog house is just to use until the big coop is finished (about 2 weeks). 3 chicks are bantam, so I didn't really think they needed the same size...
  5. casschumama

    When to move chicks outside?

    We have a garage we could put them in. We use it for storage mainly, and have a baby play pen we could keep them in with the heat plate just in case. Thank you!
  6. casschumama

    When to move chicks outside?

    They are in our living room with a brinsea heating plate on the tallest setting. We keep our house at 65-67 degrees and they have started to snuggle together away from the heating plate and dig a hole in their pine shavings to sleep.
  7. casschumama

    When to move chicks outside?

    I fear my chicks may outgrow their space before spring spring weather! We are getting 2 more chicks (TS chick days), but need to give the older girls the boot before we do so 😆. They are in a 55gal terrarium currently.
  8. casschumama

    When to move chicks outside?

    We are repurposing an old dog house my dad built for their coop and pine shavings and straw on the floor of it. It is elevated about a foot off the ground! There are no drafts in it, but does have ventilation at the top on the sides, but not where their roosting pole is. We live in city limits...
  9. casschumama

    When to move chicks outside?

    Do they look fully feathered? New chick mom over here and have no idea if they are or not. Haha
  10. casschumama

    When to move chicks outside?

    Hi all! I live in Central Kansas, and my chicks are 4.5 weeks old. I am wondering when would be okay to move them out to their coop/run? Pictures of my feathered babies & the weather for the foreseeable future. We have EEs, silkie crosses, & cuckoo marans.
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