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  1. T

    Accidentally broke broody

    Silkie Update. I gave one of my silkie hens a bath today. Her feet were covered in old dried up poop balls. The internet told me you can bath a silkie so it must be true. Haha! I used a hair dryer on low warm and Dried her feathers to about 95% dry. Shock horror she thought it was a day at the...
  2. T

    Accidentally broke broody

    Sorry for all the confusion ! Here is some clarification. I have 2 coops. One for silkies, and one for my layers which happen to be barred rock chickens right now. In my barred rock coop I have what I think are 2 broody hens. It’s been probably 4-5days that They are always in a nest box sitting...
  3. T

    Accidentally broke broody

    I am so thankful for everyone who took time out of their day to offer me words of advice! Wish I had of known what I know now a few days ago 😞. Any who, I can only move forward knowing I will have broody silky hens in the near future. Now my final request. What do you guys think I should do...
  4. T

    Accidentally broke broody

    With your experience what is an ideal #/clutch? 12? How often should you candle them? I “think”I know when I have a broody hen, but what are some sure signs?
  5. T

    Accidentally broke broody

    Thank you so much for all this information! I guess I just got a little too excited as a first time Hatcher!! Haha! All makes total sense!!
  6. T

    Accidentally broke broody

    How long are fertilized eggs good for? Meaning how long can I “collect” Some for a broody hen to hatch. Thanks for the clarity. I’m obviously doing it all wrong! Adding in eggs as they were laid in the coop. I assume it’s ok to put my hens back out into the coop now that they have no interest in...
  7. T

    Accidentally broke broody

    Hey guys! So I have had chickens fir about 7 years now for eggs. Commercial layers. Last year we got 11 silkies for “pets”’cause I think they are cute, and 20 Barred rock. 17hens. 3 roosters. Everyone seems to get along. Silkies of course have their own separate coop and run. About a month ago I...
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