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  1. Peachyfrog

    6 day old chick suddenly not eating much and mostly sleeping under heat plate

    Completely possible there was something else going on in addition that he/she got over. As of now, the only remaining issue is the cross beak, seems perfectly healthy/happy otherwise and gaining weight daily, albeit smaller than the others due to the difficulties at the beginning. From all the...
  2. Peachyfrog

    6 day old chick suddenly not eating much and mostly sleeping under heat plate

    For those reading this thread later, I got her to start eating after giving her a few headless mealworms. Her poop turned around to brown after earring well for a couple days. Best guess from research is green poop was just due to under nutrition (though in other cases could be liver failure)...
  3. Peachyfrog

    6 day old chick suddenly not eating much and mostly sleeping under heat plate

    And another downturn last night. Seems to have a little more energy this morning but consistently not pooping a lot and it’s always green whereas everyone else has brown poop. Apologies for the poop picture. Pics of normal other chick poop next to green non-normal ones. Also won’t eat boiled...
  4. Peachyfrog

    6 day old chick suddenly not eating much and mostly sleeping under heat plate

    I had stepping out for couple hours and now when I came back, that little one is out foraging with the rest and acting normal! No idea what it was, but she seems to be improving/over it. Will continue to watch her closely though to make sure she doesn't downturn again. Thanks for all the ideas!
  5. Peachyfrog

    6 day old chick suddenly not eating much and mostly sleeping under heat plate

    Will try though it wouldn’t eat hard boiled egg yolk so not holding my breath it’ll eat it
  6. Peachyfrog

    6 day old chick suddenly not eating much and mostly sleeping under heat plate

    Have a batch of 8 chicks a lady hatched for me locally. They’re about 6 days old, got them home Sunday. One chick today has suddenly mostly stopped eating and is mostly staying under the heat plate. It is still drinking. Water has electrolytes and acv. I was concerned maybe she was too cold...
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