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  1. Ascholten


    As far as you can tell, she's not being bullied by the others or anything. You said she was sick, then was fine, now sick again. What made you think she was sick the first time? What made you think she was then fine? Just trying to figure out what might be wrong. Was she at any time, acting...
  2. Ascholten


    So, you had her 3 days, she is sick, she's fine, now she's sick again. That's an awful fast time to get sick, get well, get sick again. Might want to trade her in for a healthier model. Did you get any other chicks from TSC or just that one, if so how are they doing? Aaron
  3. Ascholten


    Not a lot of info to go on here. Where you keeping her at? What are you feeding her? What is the temperature? What kind of bedding, heat lamp? etc etc. Any breezes? It's really hard to give any kind of info with just 'help its sick now what" If you can provide more info it would help us...
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