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  1. littledog

    What made you happy today?

    In the past week since we built the boys their own pen, the 9 hens have laid 37 eggs! Including 2 small ones each from the young girls. At this rate, we might be able to sell enough to cover their feed, at least during the summer. They are obviously happier separated from unwanted attention...
  2. littledog

    What made you happy today?

    I got my order of garden seeds today.
  3. littledog

    What made you happy today?

    Yesterday we blew a fuse and the almost-new washer quit working. Googled a bunch of different advice but no luck, resigned ourselves to hiring a technician. Today the washer decided to start working again! Just needed a day's unplugged rest, I guess. Also, our baby rooster Charles started...
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