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  1. HiEverybirdy

    Introducing my babies and a couple questions

    Okay, that's kinda funny the questionable one is his. Tell that man to let go of the sexism! Roosters are amazing. Our 10th "pullet" last year ended up being an accidental rooster, and he's a gem. He's the bird watching the sky while all the hens are focused on snacking and dustbathing, and it's...
  2. HiEverybirdy

    Introducing my babies and a couple questions

    Those are suspicious signs, but it's still early. There's such a mixture of genes in hatchery birds that even chicks of the same breed can mature at pretty different rates. Is it a code/neighbor issue with the rooster? Sometimes neighbors will turn their heads for a fresh dozen every now and...
  3. HiEverybirdy

    Introducing my babies and a couple questions

    I love that time with them. It's wild how well you get to know their personalities when you raise chickens from chicks. Some of ours had habits in the brooder on day 1 that they still have now. Our flock is great, thanks for asking. Egg-making machines. They started laying last summer/fall, so...
  4. HiEverybirdy

    Introducing my babies and a couple questions

    How are they all doing?
  5. HiEverybirdy

    Introducing my babies and a couple questions

    Aw, look at their fat little crops and feather legs!
  6. HiEverybirdy

    Introducing my babies and a couple questions

    I literally just searched your profile to see if you got those chicks and how it's going. Congratulations!! Cute pics and names. We got our chicks in a similar way last year: working with the chicken lady at the local co-op so ours didn't have to be shipped separately from the hatchery. It was...
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