1. Saaniya

    my rooster has bumblefoot, i wanna know if it's infected one or non infection bumblefoot, if it's non infection what happends if dont treat it?

    No I never cut or tear it mine also roam in indoor environment it's common for indoor chickens to have these . These are only a result of walking in hard flooring instead of grass. The best way to remove is to soak this in lukewarm water with Epsom salt for 20-25 minutes once it's nicely soaked...
  2. Saaniya

    my rooster has bumblefoot, i wanna know if it's infected one or non infection bumblefoot, if it's non infection what happends if dont treat it?

    It's not Bumblefoot it's happens with mine due to walking on hard floors u can soak it and it will remove like a scaby skin then put some Boroline Ointment and wrap and keep it wrap for a week
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