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  1. wrenhen

    Week old chick lays down alot, wobbly

    So I gave him vitamins and he perked up a lot more, but he was still wobbly and sitting alot. I thought what the heck and made him a little leg support with a straw and rubberband and I guess he does have a wonky leg! I've been making him walk with it on and he is standing a lot more and getting...
  2. wrenhen

    Week old chick lays down alot, wobbly

    Thank you!! I will pick up some vitamins instead. His future wives need him!
  3. wrenhen

    Week old chick lays down alot, wobbly

    So I ordered by mail 16 chicks. They threw in two spare chicks in my order. Two were DOA, one died two days later after my extra feeding and care failed. Every other chick is very hyper, lively, and healthy. My only rooster I ordered, a flavorelle, has been wobbly and lays on his side. He cant...
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