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  1. D

    Mixed ducklings… did we just get unlucky?

    My girl Hoglet. She was the very first duckling to hatch in the incubator and has been an attention hog sense the first moment out of the egg. She is the sweetest most loving duck I have ever encountered.
  2. D

    Mixed ducklings… did we just get unlucky?

    This is Twist, our only female Pekin/Khaki cross. Mama is named Vanilla and Dad is Chocolate. 🤣
  3. D

    Mixed ducklings… did we just get unlucky?

    Our “brown Swedish” girl. And, one girl who is significantly lighter then her three look alike sisters.
  4. D

    Mixed ducklings… did we just get unlucky?

    This is Lil Bit- the only male we kept. He had an injury to his web when he was about two weeks old but has had no further issues with it, thankfully!
  5. D

    Mixed ducklings… did we just get unlucky?

    Update- We ended up with a total of 19 ducklings! What an adventure it has been. We found homes for 12 of them and decided to keep 7. Here is how the seven we kept are looking at 8/9 weeks old.
  6. D

    Mixed ducklings… did we just get unlucky?

    Haha! Yes, it has been a very exciting week! We had ducklings hatching for 5 days straight. Whew! We are up to 17 ducklings! The final 4 eggs are in the incubator… We are loving the ducklings but I am exhausted! Lol!
  7. D

    Mixed ducklings… did we just get unlucky?

    All 6 pipped eggs that I brought in from the nest have hatched! 3 Rouen or Welsh eggs and 2 Swedish eggs. I’m so happy that there were a couple of Waddle’s eggs in there.
  8. D

    Mixed ducklings… did we just get unlucky?

    I had to assist one of the cracked eggs. Egg was about 1/3 of the way zipped and then stalled out for a little over 30 minutes. Peeping wildly and rocking that egg around! I worked a bit on the zip but then realized the membrane was very brown and gooey on the side toward the duckling. Little...
  9. D

    Mixed ducklings… did we just get unlucky?

    So little lady really perked up after the save a chick! I had her separated from the other ducklings as I was worried about her. We also really wanted to try to introduce her to the mamas in the coop so I didn’t want her to form a bond with the ducklings in the brooder just to be separated from...
  10. D

    Mixed ducklings… did we just get unlucky?

    I was really hoping I could hatch these eggs in the incubator and then try and sneak them out to the two girls. I figured sense one was in mama mode and one was still broody that we might be successful in them caring for them. I seen both girls and both ducklings out earlier so I took my chance...
  11. D

    Mixed ducklings… did we just get unlucky?

    She did have a hatchling on Friday and one on Saturday. So, I know it was probably time for her to “leave the nest” to care for them. I just felt really confident that my other broody would sit on it. They shared that same nest until just a few days ago. The peeking duckling hatched an hour or...
  12. D

    Mixed ducklings… did we just get unlucky?

    That article was great! Broken down in a much easier to understand way. Thank you for that! New development- mama duck switched from broody mode to caring mode. She hasn’t really been on the nest yesterday or today. I thought maybe our other broody would take it over because she sat on that...
  13. D

    Mixed ducklings… did we just get unlucky?

    I had done a bit of googling, while waiting for them to hatch, and expected the Rouen ducklings to look like rouens. I was a little shocked when I seem the khaki and welsh ducklings also looked liked Rouens though!
  14. D

    Mixed ducklings… did we just get unlucky?

    Oh I just realized (I think!) that the Swedish eggs would show a more prominent bib? So the wingtips and eyebrows wouldn’t really matter in confirming that they were part Swedish. I’m honestly trying to wrap my head around the fact that we can possibly have only sex linked babies from our...
  15. D

    Mixed ducklings… did we just get unlucky?

    She is beautiful! Is the drake and Welsh hen in the first photo her parents? All of them are very pretty! Ahh! Really?! I was just doing some more reading to trying to get my head around it. Lol! I also found the calculator. That is nifty! I see now why you think the solid ones came from the...
  16. D

    Mixed ducklings… did we just get unlucky?

    Oh this is wonderful news!!! I knew the khaki drake to Welsh hen would make sex linked ducklings. I haven’t been able to find much on the khaki Rouen cross though. If the Rouen and khaki cross is also sex linked then yippy!! 🎉 That would put us at 4 boys, 4 girls and then the KC looking ones...
  17. D

    Mixed ducklings… did we just get unlucky?

    Hatchling #7 is fluffing up nicely! Another KC looking baby… much lighter then the other one! I will have to compare again tomorrow and get better photos!
  18. D

    Mixed ducklings… did we just get unlucky?

    I thought it looked very KC also, much darker then our drake was as a duckling. I was not expecting to see one resemble him!
  19. D

    Mixed ducklings… did we just get unlucky?

    An extra of our coop baby too! It’s sibling looks identical from what I can tell… mama doesn't like when I get close. Lol.
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