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  1. NatJ

    Blue Orpington or something else?

    You can do it either way, slitting the throat or cutting the head entirely off while the chicken sits in the cone upside down. Plenty of people use a sharp knife, to slit the throat or cut off the head, but I've also read of people who use loppers (things like scissors to cut tree branches...
  2. NatJ

    Blue Orpington or something else?

    If you haven't already decided how to kill them, I suggest a method that cuts the head completely off. The body will flap around after the bird is dead, and when the head is OFF I can be sure it really is dead, not flopping around in pain. I find it gets somewhat easier with practice-- the...
  3. NatJ

    Blue Orpington or something else?

    It depends on the cockerel, with some starting before 8 weeks and some waiting more than 6 months. Sometimes that's a pecking order thing, but sometimes it's cockerels trying to figure out how to mate-- grabbing the feathers on the back of the hen's head is the first step. :thumbsup Definitely...
  4. NatJ

    Blue Orpington or something else?

    I tend to butcher cockerels when they become a nuisance, like yours. You could butcher one and see if you think he's big enough to be worth it, then decide about the rest. Some people prefer to butcher one at a time and cook & eat them, while some other people prefer to have one big butchering...
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