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    2021 Tomato harvest

    Well....? Then what happened?
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    2021 Tomato harvest

    I forgot to say... Last year when canning supplies were in short supply/non-existent, I got canning lids from Fillmore Container. Good price, and I want to say that so far, 8 out of 8 have sealed. I know some people were...
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    2021 Tomato harvest

    Well, it seems lots of people like Mortgage Lifter, so I will try that for sure next year. On my list! I'm canning my first of the Early Girls. Those plants are loaded! I wish it were an heirloom, so I could save the seed. Hmmmm.... Maybe I'll try saving seed anyway, even though I know it...
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    2021 Tomato harvest

    @vall, I've seen this advertised so many times in the seed catalogs I get. Is it as good as they say? I'd like to try more big, beefsteak types of tomatoes.
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    2021 Tomato harvest

    Hello gardeners and tomato lovers! I'm starting this thread to document my 2021 tomato harvest, as well as my opinions on the varieties I've grown. Anyone with any thoughts, questions, insights, or general comments, please chime in. :) My first 4 quarts of tomatoes are in the canner as I...
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