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  1. A

    Coccidiosis saga - advice please!

    Hopefully a final update - Sybil is out with the other two, and seems to be scratching about & dustbathing pretty happily. We finally got the lab results back - high numbers of coccidia (as expected) - no capillaria eggs found. May be that I'm wrong and it was just some gross poop, but I feel...
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    Coccidiosis saga - advice please!

    Hi folks - sad news I'm afraid, Minnie didn't make it. She was so weak, she just started panting a few minutes after tube feeding this morning, couldn't keep it up, gasped a few times and that was it. Sybil has been doing much better, she's gained a little weight, and is eating normal chick...
  3. A

    Coccidiosis saga - advice please!

    Oh dear :( think there might be Capillaria in Sybil's poop. We already started the Flubenvet yesterday, on the vet's advice, will check when we can expect the lab results to confirm. Might explain why the coccidiosis has hit so hard.
  4. A

    Coccidiosis saga - advice please!

    Vet update - 'it wouldn't be wrong' to euthanise Minnie, she is so weak her odds aren't great, but there's a chance she'll improve with good supportive care (so we're going to try). Sybil looks much better, and just needs a bit of help. So we've come home with lamb feeding tubes for both of them...
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    Coccidiosis saga - advice please!

    Thanks eggcessive, will do!
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    Coccidiosis saga - advice please!

    The roller-coaster continues - Sybil went back to the paint-like poop, and dozed most of the day. Suddenly perked up and had a good feed late in the day. She has also started pecking at her poop, then realising it is gross, and flicking her head - so the bathroom (where our cage is) now has...
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    Coccidiosis saga - advice please!

    Hi all - status update. We have a camera in the coop, and it was a warm night last night - so I thought Minnie might be more comfortable in the coop with the others. She hopped up onto her perch no problem, but about 5am my partner spotted she was down on the poop tray. I expected to find her to...
  8. A

    Coccidiosis saga - advice please!

    I've not tried tube-feeding before - can't find a soft tube the right sort of size at home, but have ordered some off Amazon - should arrive tomorrow. In the meantime we've just given her some blended up egg and water carefully using a syringe...which she decided to peck up the drips from by...
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    Coccidiosis saga - advice please!

    Yeah, very good point - she did seem to be drinking plenty whilst on the Tylan...side effect of the diarrhoea I guess! Thanks for your help :)
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    Coccidiosis saga - advice please!

    Thanks Eggcessive. They've already had one round of Tylan, and I'm not sure it is a good idea to double-down with a second round of the same antibiotics - but maybe the sulfa antibiotics are an option. I'll have to hope the baycox holds the cocci at bay until Monday!
  11. A

    Coccidiosis saga - advice please!

    They like to keep us guessing, don't they? Sybil is now absolutely relishing a dustbath, and seems pretty normal. Minnie hasn't eaten much, but has drunk plenty and is back in the hospital cage having a snooze.
  12. A

    Coccidiosis saga - advice please!

    It is a soluble powder in a little brown jar from the vets dispensary - I guess they decanted it from a bigger bottle. Dose was 0.5g/L
  13. A

    Coccidiosis saga - advice please!

    Thanks for the quick reply azygous! The whole flock had two weeks of amprolium in the water. It wasn't clearing the cocci it from the two youngest, so I asked the vet and he prescribed toltrazuril (baycox) for them as a drench, and an antibiotic (Tylan) for the drinking water. The tylan course...
  14. A

    Coccidiosis saga - advice please!

    Neither of them doing great today - they've been in the hospital cage all morning, dozed, seemed to have eaten well (not while I was watching, but crop feels full - ish), had their second dose of baycox (round 2). I let them out just now to see if they would go eat some grass/have a scratch...
  15. A

    Coccidiosis saga - advice please!

    Still dozing all afternoon, had a little bit of mash before bed, and plenty to drink. Sybil has been dozing too, so we checked her poop - not runny, but nearly as bad a Minnie for oocysts, so we have dosed her again as well. :( Any ideas what else we can do to control it whilst they build up...
  16. A

    Coccidiosis saga - advice please!

    Hi all, would like to share our experience in case is is useful for anyone else, and if you have any advice on how we can help Minnie now, would be appreciated! TL:DR - coccidiosis doesn't always cause bloody poops. If your chook has any kind of diarrhoea, and/or is off her food, get a fecal...
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