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  1. DuckDuckPromise

    Duckies Favorite Treats?!

    That is such good information; I was beginning to wonder if it was possible to have adult duckies love you back! There is hope!!! I will try to pay attention to what they want and what they don’t want! I don’t know how to knit, but I’m sure there’s something I could do to quietly spend time with...
  2. DuckDuckPromise

    Duckies Favorite Treats?!

    Oh cool, I’ve never heard of the dog food! That’s a new one!!
  3. DuckDuckPromise

    Duckies Favorite Treats?!

    Thank you!! I moved an old dog crate the other day that was close to our Cayugas, and there were at least 50 “grub worms?” I don’t really know what they were... but they looked like pre-dried meal worms! (As gross as that is! 😂🤣😂) Anyways, when I moved the crate and walked away, within minutes...
  4. DuckDuckPromise

    Duckies Favorite Treats?!

    Ohhh, that makes sense!! Thank you so much!! I shall see what they like the most on the menu!! They are kind of skittish... any tips or ideas on how to get them to warm up to us? We got them about 3/4 days old, and loved on their fluffy butts every day/night, but they still don’t really love us...
  5. DuckDuckPromise

    Duckies Favorite Treats?!

    Oh good, I’m glad to have some options! Thank you so much!! Weird question, but why never iceberg?! I’m just curious! Thank you for the helpful hint, Lord’s Willing, I will certainly look into that!!!
  6. DuckDuckPromise

    Duckies Favorite Treats?!

    Hi there!!! I hope everyone is having a blessed day! I want to give our duckies some treats, and I’m not sure what to start with. I gave them some banana, and they really didn’t care for it! Any other ideas and suggestions?! I’m all ears!
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